Bachelor Program


This is a 4-year undergraduate academic program which aims to prepare graduates for careers as accountants in the profit or non-profit organizations. In addition, this study program prepares graduates to possess strong competencies in the field of accounting knowledge and skills, advanced skills in communication, teamwork, problem solving, and an excellent personality.


This study program is a 4-year undergraduate academic program aiming at preparing graduates to work as managers and entrepreneurs. This program equips students with theoretical and practical skills to manage finance, marketing, human resources and company operations.


The Development Economics study program aims to prepare graduates as economic analysts, practitioners and entrepreneurs. Therefore, the study program has four concentrations, i.e. monetary, human resources, planning, and community economics.


The Economic Education Study Program is the oldest program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UNP. Expertise of this study program are accounting, marketing, office administration and cooperative economics, which job prospects are in the educational and non-educational fields.


Enrolment of new students at UNP refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 48 of 2022 concerning Admission of New Students of Undergraduate Programs at State Universities and UNP Rector’s Regulation No. 05 of 2018 in regards with admission requirements. Applicants are accepted through three tracks, i.e. the SNBP track (achievement-based national selection), the SNBT track (exam-based national selection), and the Independent and Achievement selection track. The number of students accepted each year depends on the capacity determined by UNP for all faculties.


Applicant students at Universitas Negeri Padang who are declared to have passed and accepted through the National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) for the 2024 SNBP track and have passed the report card and portfolio verification, are required to pay attention to and implement the following provisions:


Pay the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) from 15 to 28 May 2024 with the following procedure:

  1. Payments at all Bank Nagari Branch Offices.

1) Via the Teller by mentioning the NIM, the Student will receive a Print Out Proof of Tuition Payment.

2) Via Bank Nagari/Bersama/Prima/Mobile Banking ATM, through the Transfer to Account menu on the page

  1. Payment via BNI Bank

1) Via Teller by mentioning the Bill Number, obtained upon the UKT verification results announcement, the student will receive a Receipt or Print Out Proof of Tuition Payment.

2) Via BNI Bank ATM or Internet Banking, payment procedures can be seen on the page.

  1. Payment via BTN Bank

1) Via Teller by mentioning the Bill Number, obtained upon the UKT verification results announcement, then the student will receive a Receipt or Print Out Proof of Tuition Payment.

2) Via Bank BTN ATM or Internet Banking, payment procedures can be seen on the page.

  1. All payments may only be made via Teller, ATM, and M-Banking, and it is not recommended to make payments via agents.



Online Prasireg and Study Plan Card (KRS) registration for all students passing the SNBP track will be carried out outside the UNP campus from 15 to 28 May 2024. For semester 1 and 2, KRS entry will specifically be conducted by the Study Program administrator, with the following conditions:

  1. Student have paid UKT to a Partner Bank or have been declared as a prospective recipient of KIP-Kuliah.
  2. Filling in Prasireg can be conducted outside UNP online via the website (NIM and Password can be seen at
  3. Upload a color passport photo with a maximum file size of 200 KB.
  4. Certificate of Not being Color Blind specifically for new students of the study program of . Biology Education, Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Science Education, Building Engineering Education (S1), Electrical Engineering Education (S1), Electronics Engineering Education (S1), Automotive Engineering Education (S1), Informatics Engineering Education (S1), Mining Engineering (NK) (S1), Industrial Electrical Engineering (NK)(D IV), Civil Engineering (S1), Informatics (S1), Building Civil Engineering (D III), Electrical Engineering (D III), Mining Engineering (D III), Automotive Engineering (D III), Mechanical Engineering (D III), Electronic Systems Engineering Technology (D IV), Geological Engineering (S1), Animation (S1), Automotive Engineering (UNP Sawahlunto Campus), Mining Engineering (UNP Sawahlunto Campus), Family Welfare Education (S1), Makeup and Beauty Education (D IV), Catering, Fashion and Nursing PSDKU Pariaman, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine 

Upload a statement letter of complying all the applicable regulations at Universitas Negeri Padang (format downloaded during Online Registration) .

  1. Execute the registration by uploading documents from August 22 to September 12, 2024 via the website with the following files:

– Latest Certificate/Diploma

– Exam Results Certificate (SKHU)/final transcript

– Scanned Family Card (KK)



  1. All new UNP students are required to take a health examination at the UNP Pratama Clinic, which includes:
  2. General/Physical Health
  3. Health/Color Blind-Free

For new students particularly in the Science and Technology group with the study program of  Biology Education, Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Pend. IPA, Pend. Building Engineering (S1), Electrical Engineering Education (S1), Electronics Engineering Education (S1), Automotive Engineering Education (S1), Engineering (NK)(D IV), Civil Engineering (S1), Informatics (S1), Building Civil Engineering (D III), Electrical Engineering (D III), Mining Engineering (D III), Automotive Engineering (D III), Mechanical Engineering (D III), Electronic Systems Engineering Technology (D IV), Geological Engineering (S1), Animation (S1), Automotive Engineering (UNP Sawahlunto Campus ), Mining Engineering (UNP Sawahlunto Campus), Family Welfare Education (S1), Makeup and Beauty Education (D IV), Culinary, Fashion and Nursing PSDKU Pariaman, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

  1. DRUG FREE Certification
  2. Health Examination Fees

1 SCIENCE AND TECH Study Program Rp. 225,000,-

2 SOCIAL Study Program Rp. 200,000,-


  2. Open an account and collect the student card (KTM/ATM) at Bank Nagari branch UNP Air Tawar Padang Campus (technical instructions will be announced at
  3. The cost of making an Alma Mater Jacket is IDR. 200,000,-, payment will be carried out at the same time as the UKT payment, starting from 15 to 28 May 2024. Pick up your Alma Mater jacket at the Business Center on the 2nd floor in front of the UNP Hotel Building.


  2. For new students who are declared to have passed the grade verification and draw back at their own request, all payments that have been deposited cannot be withdrawn.
  3. In case of an error in writing your name in the Prasireg, you must report it to the UNP Sub-Directorate of Academic Administration from 2 to 13 September 2024, bringing your latest diploma and birth certificate.
  4. It is obligatory to take part in the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) activities, the execution date will be announced later at or
  5. Lectures start on August 26, 2024.



Conditions and Procedures for Re-Registration of Prospective New Students at Universitas Negeri Padang Passed/Accepted Through the National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) SNPP Track in 2024

  1. You are asked to immediately fill in the Biodata Form and upload documents

supporting prospective New Students online on the page from 1 to 17 April 2024. Followings are Supporting documents to be uploaded:

  1. Scan of proof of 2024 SNBP participant identification;
  2. Photo containing: participant’s face, report card identity page and sign of SNBP 2024’s participant in one photo;
  3. Upload a scan of the identity page and report card grades from grade 1 to 3 (semester 1 to 5);
  4. Certificate/Proof of Income/Salary of Parent/Guardian, with conditions

as follows:

  1. PNS/TNI/POLRI from Salary Treasurer
  2. BUMN/BUMD/Company from Company Leaders
  3. Entrepreneur/Farmer/Fisherman/Odd jobs or other than the 2 points above, using a certificate of income from the Headman/Village Head/Nagari Mayor/District Head
  4. In the case of source of fund is from the parents and the father who is still alive or has died but there is still income (pension), then proof of the father’s income must be uploaded regardless of the amount of the income.
  5. In the case of source of fund is from your parents, and mother has income, proof of mother’s income must also be uploaded.
  6. If the source of fund is from the guardian, proof of the guardian’s income must be uploaded.
  7. Family Card;
  8. Proof of Electricity Account Payment (for those whose electricity source is from PLN) for the last 1 (one) month, for those who use prepaid electricity (token) uploaded is proof of purchasing the token;
  9. Proof of Water Account Payment (for those originating from PDAM) for the last 1 (one) month (if any);
  10. Proof of PBB (Land and Building Tax) payments for the last 3 years, upload only one;
  11. Vehicle boarding certificate (STNK) and Proof of Vehicle Tax Payment (for those who own a car/motorbike) for the last 3 years, upload only one of them;
  12. Other documents such as a certificate of incapacity from the Headman/Village Head/Nagari Mayor/District Head or Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) (if any);


  1. Upload photo files as follows:
  2. Family photo
  3. Photo of the house front view
  4. Living Room Photo
  5. Family Room Photo
  6. Kitchen Photo
  7. Toilet’s photo


  1. Upload specifically for Smart Indonesia Card-Study (KIP-K) proposers as follows:
  2. Smart Indonesia Card-Study (KIP-K) for prospective students who propose KIP-K;
  3. High School KIP and proof of reception;
  4. Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) registered certificate accompanied by proof of receipt or in the form of a card of PKH, PBI, KKS;
  5. Targeting the Acceleration of Elimination of Extreme Poverty (P3KE) maximum Decile III;
  6. Certificate from the orphanage (if any);
  7. Certificate of incapacity (if points a – d are missing)
  8. Examples of requested documents can be seen at the url;


  1. See the results of the report card verification and the amount of the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) on April 26 2024 on the page


  1. Stipulation of KIP-K recipients (for KIP-K proposers) is determined after passing KIP-K verification and those who do not pass KIP-K verification are required to pay UKT according to applicable regulations.


In the case of the verification result of the original report card grades are different from the report card grades entered or uploaded during registration (mark-up grades or falsification of documents), then their rights as prospective UNP students will be cancelled and for prospective students who do not carry out reporting according to the predetermined schedule, then considered to have resigned.


Thus, this announcement was made so that it can be implemented properly.



Universitas Negeri Padang in the 2024/2025 academic year accepts new students via

Independent and Achievement track for Diploma and Bachelor program levels with the following conditions:

  1. Requirements: SMA/MA/SMK/MAK graduates and equivalent in 2022, 2023, or 2024


  1. Selection Method:

ï‚· Using semester I to V report cards, achievements, and computer-based written exam scores – National Selection Based on Test (UTBK – SNBT) (no exam). For students who do not have UTBK-SNBT scores, selection is carried out using report cards for semesters I to V.

ï‚· Specifically for the Medical and Veterinary Education Study Program, Report Card Grades for semesters I to V, Achievements and Computer Based Written Test Scores – National Selection Based on Tests (UTBK – SNBT) (UTBK-SNBT is obligatory).


  1. Registration Procedure
  2. Register on the website of by filling in your biodata (name,

phone number, and date of birth) to obtain the account number and amount of money

registration fee, as well as User Id and Personal Identification Number (PIN).

  1. Pay the registration fee of IDR 250,000 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rupiah) via Bank Nagari teller or transfer via all ATMs (Bank Nagari, ATM Bersama, and ATM Prima)
  2. Fill in the registration form (semester I to V report card data and achievement document data) on the website to obtain proof of registration (participant card)
  3. Procedures for filling out the registration form can be downloaded via the website

  1. Maximum choice of 3 study programs in at least 2 faculties.


  1. Acceptance/Registration Schedule
  2. Online registration is open from April 19 to July 10, 2024
  3. Announcement of selection results is on July 15, 2024 via the website
  4. Fill in your biodata and upload documents from July 15 to 19, 2024
  5. Verification of Report Cards from July 17 to 20, 2024
  6. Announcement of Report Verification on July 22, 2024
  7. UKT payments from July 22 to 31, 2024, online at all Bank Nagari branch offices
  8. Prasireg and re-registration from July 22 to August 9, 2024
  9. Lectures start on August 26 2024.


Complete information for admission to the Accounting Department can be seen at

Complete information for admission to the Department of Economics can be seen at

Complete information for admissions to the Department of Economic Education can be seen at

Complete information for admission to the Management Department can be seen at

More complete information can be seen at

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