Student Dormitory

The Student Dormitory at Universitas Negeri Padang offers comfortable, secure, and supportive housing that enhances the academic and social life of our students. We are committed to providing an environment conducive to academic success and personal development.

Dormitory Facilities


  • Fully furnished bedrooms with beds, mattresses, pillows, lamps, study desks and chairs, wardrobes, study areas, and bathrooms.

  • Each room can accommodate a maximum of 4 (four) students.

Support Services

  • Cleaning services to maintain the dormitory’s cleanliness.

  • Security personnel for safety.

  • Dormitory managers and supervisors.

Contact Us If you have further questions about the Student Dormitory, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Secretariat Office: Student Affairs Section Rectorate and Research Center Building, 1st Floor Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar, Kota Padang. Website: https://asrama.unp.ac.id/

Resident Testimonials

“This dormitory greatly supports my studies. The facilities are complete and always clean. I also met many new friends here.” – Eka, Economics Education Student.

“Living in the dormitory makes me more focused on studying because the atmosphere is conducive and safe. Additionally, I actively participate in various enjoyable dormitory activities.” – Rio, Tax Management Diploma Student.

Asrama Air Tawar A (Putra)

Asrama Air Tawar B (Putra)

Asrama Air Tawar C (Putra)

Asrama FMIPA (Putri)

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