As a higher education institution, FEB UNP also strives to generate graduates having high competitiveness in facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by linking and matching the FEB UNP curriculum based on Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) orientation competencies with the needs of the ASEAN Economic Community. For this reason, leadership and lecturers have made industrial visits to various multi-national and national companies to see firsthand the needs of the industrial world for FEB UNP graduates in the MEA era.

Apart from that, FEB UNP also provides opportunities for lecturers to continue their PhD studies with priority at foreign universities. Currently, there are several FEB UNP lecturers who are carrying out further studies in England, Australia and Malaysia, in addition to well-known universities in Indonesia, such as at the University of Indonesia (UI) and Gadjah Mada University (UGM). 

FEB UNP also seeks to implement Quality Assurance through internal quality control at study program and faculty levels as well as external party recognition from BAN PT and ISO 9001:2008 for academic services and academic administration to FEB UNP stakeholders. Currently, all undergraduate programs i.e. the Economic Education Study Program, Management Study Program, Accounting Study Program and Development Economics Study Program, have been accredited “Excellent” by LAMEMBA. Additionally, the Faculty of Economics has also carried out recertification for ISO 9001:2015. Furthermore, the Bachelor of Management Study Program has also prepared to carry out AUN QA (ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance) certification. With this certification, it implies that the Bachelor of Management Study Program has international quality, which is equivalent to the best universities in ASEAN.

FEB UNP also regularly holds scientific seminars every year, called the Padang International Conference on Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA) which is a continuation of ICEBA at the international level and the National Seminar on Economics, Management and Accounting (SNEMA) at the national level.

FEB UNP is also active in collaborating with domestic and foreign universities, government institutions and the business world in order to support educational programs for the FEB UNP study program.

FEB UNP is also active in empowering students for entrepreneurship both in theory and practice. This is marked by the existence of entrepreneurial activities and an Entrepreneurship Expo every year which is held by students under the guidance of the Entrepreneurship course supervisor and the Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs (WD1) FEB UNP. In the future, FEB UNP wants to become the leading institution in the field of entrepreneurship in Sumatra, hopefully.


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