The office administration laboratory is used for economics education students, especially students who choose an office administration concentration to carry out office administration practices and improve their skills in this field. Apart from that, the office administration laboratory also provides systematic services, competency certificates, and is a preparation place for students to take part in office administration competitions at the national level.

The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Laboratory provides training in operating ERP applications and conducts competency tests for every student/graduate of FEB UNP, thereby producing job-ready graduates with ERP competency certificates. The laboratory also aims to enhance the competencies of external users, such as students from other universities, corporate employees, and government officials.

The Business Simulation Laboratory is used for practical sessions in Business Simulation Courses. The laboratory is equipped with five cubicles, each containing three computer units, internet access, local area telephone (PABX), desks, chairs, filing cabinets, and other office equipment. The primary goal of the Business Simulation Laboratory is to support the effective implementation of business simulation courses, ensuring that the objectives of each study program are achieved, and to produce skilled and job-ready graduates who understand the internal business processes of a company.

The Development Planning Laboratory is used for students of the Economics Department, especially students who choose a Development Planning concentration which aims to improve the qualifications and competencies of students in obtaining planning competency certification to meet functional needs. Apart from that, this laboratory also has an important role in increasing the capacity of local governments in the development planning system. In the longer term, this laboratory can also help fulfill the need for planning competency

This laboratory is used to provide support for data center services and practices to strengthen understanding related to data management and data analysis techniques in the fields of economics and the environment. Apart from that, this laboratory also provides workshop and training services that are systematic, sustainable and have high academic standards to improve the skills of lecturers and students as well as other stakeholders in applying various analytical tools and mastering the use of related data processing software. This modeling laboratory also provides consulting services to improve the quality of future research results of lecturers and students at the Department of Economics. So that the results of the research can become a scientific work worthy of publication in a reputable scientific journal. Lastly, this laboratory also provides certification of quantitative analysis competency in the field of economics and environmental science which is important for creating specific competencies for graduates of the Department of Economics FEB UNP.

The primary function of the Micro Teaching Laboratory is as a forum for students as prospective teachers to carry out teaching practice, then as it develops, it is intended to embody the campus’ commitment to provide online learning through the use of podcasts and learning videos as well as providing training for students as a crew or team for making learning videos and podcasts, in recording, editing and hosting podcasts as well as holding media competency tests for students/graduates of the Faculty of Economics so as to produce graduates who are ready to use and have media competency certificates. Apart from increasing the competency of graduates, the Micro Teaching laboratory can also be developed into an income generator for universities by:

  1. Providing learning video creation services (learning video production)
  2. Increasing the number of subscribers and viewers on YouTube podcasts
  3. Providing training and media competency tests for external users such as students/lecturers from other universities.
  4. Teaching Clinic


The Accounting Laboratory is a dedicated space for students of Department of Accounting to be guided and trained in practicing and developing all their accounting knowledge. This facility aims to enhance students’ understanding both theoretically and practically. Additionally, the Accounting Laboratory serves as a venue for training, research, and community service.

The business incubator laboratory (Inkubi) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Unversitas Negeri Padang (FEB UNP) provides education and research for internal campuses in order to create potential young entrepreneurs within students, and will also contribute to external campus parties both for the private and public sectors. Business Incubator Laboratory of FEB UNP has human resources consisting of lecturers with educational levels of Strata 2, Strata 3 and Professors coming from all Study Programs in the Faculty of Economics and Business at UNP and certainly have adequate abilities and professionalism in various aspects of the field of science and expertise specifications.

The Business Incubator Laboratory is one of the business units that supports the implementation of entrepreneurship courses. The purpose of establishing this lab. is to increase the number of entrepreneurs among FEB UNP students, moreover, it also acts as a business consulting institution for external campus (MSMEs). In terms of IKU (key competency indicators) achievement, the Inkubi laboratory of FEB UNP activity is an attempt to achieve IKU 1 (student entrepreneurship), IKU 2 (student achievement), and IKU 4 (collaboration with external institutions).

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