New Student candidates at Universitas Negeri Padang Passing the Selection and Accepted at
the Postgraduate School for the January – June 2024 Semester Along with the Enrolment
Procedures and Requirements

New Student candidates declared to have passed the selection and accepted into the
Postgraduate School for Master and Doctoral Programs at Universitas Negeri Padang for the
January – June 2024 Semester as per the attached list of names, required to take part in the
following activities:

A. See the Student Identification Number (NIM) on the page starting
January 30, 2024.
B. Pay tuition fees and development fees at all Bank Nagari branch offices or online, January
30 to February 2, 2024 in the following amounts

  1. Tuition fee for Master Program (S2) for Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Engineering
    Study Program Rp. 7,000,000,- Paid every semester
  2. Tuition fee for Master Program (S2) of Tourism and Psychology Study Program
    Rp. 7,500,000,-
  3. Tuition fee for Doctoral Program (S3) is Rp. 10,000,000,-
  4. Special tuition fee for Doctoral Program (S3) in Management Science Rp. 13,000,000,-
  5. Master Program Development Tuition Rp. 1,500,000,- Paid only once during the education
    period, which is in semester 1
  6. Tuition for Tourism and Psychology Master’s Program Development Rp. 3,000,000,-
  7. Doctoral Program Development Tuition Rp. 2,000,000,-
    C. Online Prasireg and Study Plan Card (KRS) registration will be carried out outside the
    UNP campus from January 30 to February 2, 2024
    D. Prasireg Registration Procedures
  8. Have paid Educational Development Contribution (SPP) and Development Tuition
  9. Filling in Prasireg can be conducted outside UNP online via the
    website (NIM and password can be seen on the SPP payment receipt or website
  10. Upload a color passport photo with a maximum file size of 200 kb
  11. Carry out medical check at a public, private hospital, health center or UNP polyclinic and
    upload it to the Academic Portal during the study period.
  12. College Student Identity Card (KTM/ATM) will be distributed by Bank Nagari at each
    Faculty/PPs when the lectures start.
    E. Terms / Other Information
    a. Candidates who do not register according to the schedule above will forfeit their rights as
    UNP students
    b. Any payment that has been made cannot be withdrawn for any reason.

F. Attention
During the registration process, we remind you to be careful with the documents and other
valuables so they don’t get scattered/lost, to your own detriment.

Master program in economics EDUCATION
The Master of Economics Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri
Padang, hereinafter abbreviated as MPDE FE UNP, is one of the master’s programs at Universitas
Negeri Padang. MPDE FE UNP was founded in 2012 based on the Decree of the Minister of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 210/E/2012. MPDE FE UNP has
obtained “A” accreditation issued by BAN-PT Decree No. 1611/SK/BAN-Pt/Akred/M/V/2019 (21
May 2019 – 21 May 2024)

More information can be seen at

Management master program
This study program aims to create graduates who becoming academics to pursue their profession as
teachers/lecturers/scientists/researchers, to transform, develop, disseminate knowledge and
technology through the tridharma of higher education with a management science approach and

uphold professional values and ethics. Moreover, this study program can also lead to a career as a
leader in business organizations and also entrepreneur

More information can be seen at

Economics master’s program
The Master of Economics Study Program (PSMIE) of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri
Padang has been carrying out operational activities since 2008 based on the Decree of the Directorate
General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Number: 843/D/T/2008 Dated March 13, 2008.
This study program aims to enable students to have the ability of applying the knowledge of
economics’ field in solving national and international problems.

More information can be seen at

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