Accounting study program is a 4-year undergraduate academic program that aims to prepare graduates for a career as accountants in profit or non-profit organizations. ASP prepares graduates to have strong competence in accounting for knowledge and skills, high skills in communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and excellent personality


to be “a dignity study program with an international reputation 


  • Provide higher academic education in accounting to establish a pious, ethical, quality, creative, innovative, and globally competitive person.
  • Carry out research and community service that is useful and continuous 
  • Build an academic culture conducive to the organization’s governance, which is transparent, accountable, fair, and responsible.
  • Build cooperation with various parties at local, national and international

Objectives of the study program:

1) improve the quality of learning from various aspects including aspects of learning resources, lecturer competence, methods, strategies, supporting facilities and infrastructure so that they can provide an international standard learning experience

(2) increasing the quantity and quality of research, encouraging collaborative research with domestic and foreign universities with global reputations by building international research networks; 

(3) increasing the quantity and quality of publications in reputable international journals and developing existing international journals so that they are known and recognized as well as developing national journals that are SINTA accredited; 

(4) increasing the role of FEB UNP in carrying out community service activities 

(5) strengthening the position of FEB Padang State University in reputable research and education through international networks;

(6) continue to build the faculty brand through uniqueness in the field of education while making superior differences so that the institution’s international outlook and recognition can be faster.


Accounting Study Program has Excellent accreditation

Further information: https://akuntansi.feb.unp.ac.id/

Management Program is a 4-year undergraduate academic program that aims to prepare graduates to work as line managers and entrepreneurs. This program provides students with theoretical and practical skills for managing finance, marketing, human resources, and company operations.


to become a management study program with dignity and international reputation


  • Organizing higher education in management develops graduates who are cautious, ethical, competent, creative, innovative and globally competitive
  • Conducting research and community service activities that are efficient and sustainable.
  • Developing conducive academic atmosphere and good university governance, which is transparent, accountable

and responsible

  • Developing collaboration with local, national and international stakeholders

Objectives of the study program:

  1. Produce graduates who have integrity, are religious and ethical. 
  2. Produce graduates who have the latest management knowledge.
  3. Produce graduates who have entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.


The Management Study Program has Excellent accreditation

Further information: https://manajemen.feb.unp.ac.id/

The Development Economics Study Program was established on August 2, 2001, based on the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 2542/D/T/2001. The Development Economics Study Program is a 4-year undergraduate academic program with excellent accreditation from BAN-PT. The Development Economics study

program aims to prepare graduates as economic analysts, practitioners, and entrepreneurs. Therefore, the study program has four concentrations: monetary, human resources, planning, and public economics


To become a dignified and internationally reputable economics study program.


  • Organizing quality economic education and learning in the field of development economics
  • Carry out research and disseminate research results in development economics at national and international levels
  • Carrying out community service as an effort to apply the field of development economics to improve community welfare and regional independence.
  • Creating a conducive academic climate and building standardized governance
  • Develop partnerships with central and regional government institutions, businesses and industry at local, national and international levels

Objectives of the study program : 

  • Graduates are able to master economic theory, carry out empirical analyses, and have communication skills.

 Graduates are able to apply empirical analysis and economic theory to government, industry, community

  • organizations, and international organizations and are able to develop partnerships with various stakeholders.
  • Graduates are able to seize opportunities, estimate risks, and be creative and innovative to provide added value to the economy.


The Development Economics Study Program has Excellent accreditation

Further information: https://ie.feb.unp.ac.id/ 

The Economics Education Study Program is the oldest program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UNP, which was established based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 38742/Kab. 1954, dated September 1, 1954. The UNP Economic Education Study Program is currently accredited by A. This study program has expertise in accounting, marketing, office administration, and cooperative economics, which have job prospects in educational and non-educational fields. Since 2017, the UNP Economics Education Study Program has had international classes and students from Southeast Asian countries.


to become an Economic Education Study Programme with dignity and international reputation 


  • Organizing quality education and teaching in the field of economic education 
  • Organizing research activities and disseminating knowledge and results
    research, as well as innovative learning models at national and national levels
  • Organizing community service activities as an effort to improve community welfare and regional independence

Develop collaboration to build insightful institutional networks.

knowledge and expertise in local, national, regional and international scope

Objectives of the study program : 

  • Able to formulate and produce solutions to procedural problems regarding concepts, laws and theories in the study of economics, accounting, commerce and office administration
  • Able to apply and develop educational principles and theories regarding planning, management and evaluation of economic learning.
  • Able to apply high entrepreneurial competence in various business fields


The Economics Education Study Program has Excellent accreditation

Further information: https://pekon.feb.unp.ac.id/

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